Advent of Code 2024 in Common Lisp


Table of Contents

Day 1

(defun parse-input (lines)
  "Transforms the lists provided as two colums into two LISP lists."
   (mapcar #'(lambda (collection) (parse-integer (first (remove "" (split-by-one-space collection) :test #'string=)))) lines)
   (mapcar #'(lambda (collection) (parse-integer (second (remove "" (split-by-one-space collection) :test #'string=)))) lines)))

(defun read-and-parse-input (input-file)
  (parse-input (uiop:read-file-lines input-file)))

;; from
(defun split-by-one-space (string)
  (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
        as j = (position #\Space string :start i)
        collect (subseq string i j)
        while j))

(defun total-distance (list-1 list-2)
  (let ((sorted-1 (sort (copy-seq list-1) #'<))
        (sorted-2 (sort (copy-seq list-2) #'<)))
    (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x y) (abs (- x y))) sorted-1 sorted-2))))

(defun total-similarity (list-1 list-2)
  (let ((occurrences (make-hash-table)))
    (dolist (item list-1)
      (setf (gethash item occurrences) 0))
    (dolist (item list-2)
      (when (gethash item occurrences) (incf (gethash item occurrences))))
    (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (item) (* item (gethash item occurrences))) list-1))))

(defun main ()
  (multiple-value-bind (x y) (read-and-parse-input "input")
    (format t "~a~%" (total-similarity x y))
    (format t "~a~%" (total-distance x y))))

Day 2

In utils.lisp I'll move general functions defined over the AOC and that could be useful for the next days.

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defparameter *test*'((7 6 4 2 1)
                      (1 2 7 8 9)
                      (9 7 6 2 1)
                      (1 3 2 4 5)
                      (8 6 4 4 1)
                      (1 3 6 7 9)))

(defun parse-file (lines)
  (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (mapcar #'parse-integer (utils:split-by-one-space line))) lines))

(defun read-and-parse-file (input-file)
  (parse-file (uiop:read-file-lines input-file)))

(defun check-pairs (sequence &optional (comparison-func #'<=))
  (loop for i from 1 below (length sequence) do
    (unless (funcall comparison-func (nth (1- i) sequence) (nth i sequence))
      (return-from check-pairs nil)))

(defun pair-distance-ok-p (x y &optional (min-distance 1) (max-distance 3))
  (let ((diff (abs (- x y))))
    (and (>= diff min-distance) (<= diff max-distance) )))

(defun distance-ok-p (sequence &optional (min-distance 1) (max-distance 3))
  (check-pairs sequence #'(lambda (x y) (pair-distance-ok-p x y min-distance max-distance))))

(defun check-safety (sequence)
  "A sequence of numbers is safe if it is monotonically decreasing or
  increasing, and any adjacent numbers differ by at least one and at
  most three."
  (cond ((< (first sequence) (second sequence))
         (check-pairs sequence #'increasing-and-distance-p))
        ((> (first sequence) (second sequence))
         (check-pairs sequence #'decreasing-and-distance-p))
        (t nil)))

(defun increasing-and-distance-p (x y)
  (and (< x y) (pair-distance-ok-p x y)))

(defun decreasing-and-distance-p (x y)
  (and (> x y) (pair-distance-ok-p x y)))

(defun sequences-without-one-element (sequence)
  (loop for i from 0 below (length sequence) collect
                                             (append (subseq sequence 0 i) (subseq sequence (1+ i) (length sequence)))))

(defun solve (input-file)
  (let ((sequences (read-and-parse-file input-file)))
    (format t "~a~%" (solve-first sequences))
    (format t "~a~%" (solve-second sequences))))

(defun solve-first (sequences)
  (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (seq) (if (check-safety seq) 1 0)) sequences)))

(defun solve-second (sequences)
  (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (seq) (if (some #'check-safety (sequences-without-one-element seq)) 1 0)) sequences)))

Day 3

Easy, sane version

Just use grep to pre-process the file, or an available regex library.

  • 3.1: grep "mul([0-9][0-9]*,[0-9][0-9]*)" input > preprocessed-1
  • 3.2: grep -e "mul([0-9][0-9]*,[0-9][0-9]*) -e "do()" -e "don't()" input > preprocessed-2

Then do the parsing and calculations in CL:

(defun get-valid-muls (mixed &optional (valid-region t))
  (let ((valid '()) (valid-region valid-region))
    (loop for string in mixed do
        ((string= string "do()") (setq valid-region t))
        ((string= string "don't()") (setq valid-region nil))
        (valid-region (setq valid (append valid (list string))))))
    (values valid valid-region)))

(defun parse-mul (mul-string)
  (let* ((comma (position "," mul-string :test #'string=))
         (left (parse-integer (subseq mul-string 4 comma)))
         (right (parse-integer
                 (subseq mul-string (1+ comma) (position ")" mul-string :test #'string=)))))
    (* left right)))

(defun mul-and-add-line (mul-line)
  (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'parse-mul mul-line)))

(defun parse-mul (mul-string)
  (let* ((comma (position "," mul-string :test #'string=))
         (left (parse-integer (subseq mul-string 4 comma)))
         (right (parse-integer (subseq mul-string (1+ comma) (position ")" mul-string :test #'string=)))))
    (* left right)))

(defun solve-1-preprocessed (file)
  (let* ((line (uiop:read-file-lines file)))
    (mul-and-add-line line)))

(defun solve-2-preprocessed (file)
  (let ((line (get-valid-muls (uiop:read-file-lines file))))
    (mul-and-add-line line)))

The hard way

So, actually I didn't want to install a regex library, so I implemented my wonky regex engine by hard-coding the needed DFAs. The following is an example of how an automaton is defined:

(defstruct automaton (init nil) (end nil) (delta '()))

(defparameter *delta*
              '((0 - "m" -> 1)
                (1 - "u" -> 2)
                (2 - "l" -> 3)
                (3 - "(" -> 4)
                (4 - number -> 5)
                (5 - number -> 5)
                (5 - "," -> 6)
                (6 - number -> 7)
                (7 - number -> 7)
                (7 - ")" -> 8)))

Where the numbers represent states, the arrow is labeled with the symbol that enables the transition, and number represents the [0-9] set of chars. The actual matching on automata is handled in the following way (some things can easily be optimized e.g. with hash maps):

(defun rule-with-input (rules input)
  "returns the single rule that have input on the arrow"
  (let ((rule-list (remove-if-not #'(lambda (rule) (string= (third rule) input)) rules)))
    (if rule-list (first rule-list) nil)))

(defun rule-with-number (rules)
  "returns the single rule that have -number->"
  (let ((rule-list (remove-if-not #'(lambda (rule) (eql (third rule) 'number)) rules)))
    (if rule-list (first rule-list) nil)))

(defun rules-with-state (rules state)
  "returns list of rules for state"
  (remove-if-not #'(lambda (rule) (eql (first rule) state)) rules))

(defun target-state (rule)
  (fifth rule))

(defun apply-delta-char (delta state input)
  "Apply delta on a single char string."
  (let ((to-apply (rule-with-input (rules-with-state delta state) input)))
     ((equal delta nil) nil)
      (target-state to-apply))
     ((and (position input "0123456789" :test #'string=) (rule-with-number (rules-with-state delta state)))
      (target-state (rule-with-number (rules-with-state delta state))))
     (t nil))))

(defun apply-delta-string (delta state input end-state)
  (apply-delta-string-aux delta state (concatenate 'string input (princ-to-string (code-char 1))) end-state 0))

(defun apply-delta-string-aux (delta state input end-state position)
  "Apply delta on a string"
  (cond ((equal state end-state) (list t position))
        ((equal state nil) (list nil (if (> position 1) (1- position) position)))
        (t (apply-delta-string-aux delta (apply-delta-char delta state (subseq input 0 1)) (subseq input 1) end-state (1+ position)))))

(defun check-multiple-automaton (automaton-list input)
  (let ((max 0))
    (loop for automaton in automaton-list do
          (let ((possible-match
                  (automaton-delta automaton)
                  (automaton-init automaton)
                  (automaton-end automaton))))
             ((first possible-match) (return-from check-multiple-automaton possible-match))
             (t (if (> (second possible-match) max) (setq max (second possible-match)))))
    (list nil max)))

(defun apply-on-automaton-list (automaton-list input)
  "Run the automaton on the input string and return the list of matches"
  (let ((i 0) (matches '()))
    (loop while (< i (length input))
           (result char-read)
           (check-multiple-automaton automaton-list (subseq input i))
             (setq matches (append matches (list (subseq input i (+ i char-read)))))
             (incf i char-read))
            (t (incf i char-read)))))

With apply-on-automaton-list it's possible to use multiple automata for the matching. The solution is completed as following:

(defparameter *mul-automaton* (make-automaton :init 0 :end 8 :delta
                                              '((0 - "m" -> 1)
                                                (1 - "u" -> 2)
                                                (2 - "l" -> 3)
                                                (3 - "(" -> 4)
                                                (4 - number -> 5)
                                                (5 - number -> 5)
                                                (5 - "," -> 6)
                                                (6 - number -> 7)
                                                (7 - number -> 7)
                                                (7 - ")" -> 8))))

(defparameter *do-automaton* (make-automaton :init 0 :end 4 :delta
                                             '((0 - "d" -> 1)
                                               (1 - "o" -> 2)
                                               (2 -> "(" -> 3)
                                               (3 -> ")" -> 4))))

(defparameter *dont-automaton* (make-automaton :init 0 :end 7 :delta
                                               '((0 - "d" -> 1)
                                                 (1 - "o" -> 2)
                                                 (2 - "n" -> 3)
                                                 (3 - "'" -> 4)
                                                 (4 - "t" -> 5)
                                                 (5 - "(" -> 6)
                                                 (6 - ")" -> 7))))

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (parsed-lines (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (apply-on-automaton *mul-automaton* line)) lines)))
    (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'mul-and-add-line parsed-lines))

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (valid-region t)
         (valid-muls '()))
    (loop for line in lines do
          (multiple-value-bind (valid last-valid-region)
                                (apply-on-automaton-list (list *mul-automaton* *do-automaton* *dont-automaton*) line) valid-region)
                               (push valid valid-muls)
                               (setq valid-region last-valid-region)))
    (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'mul-and-add-line valid-muls))))

It would be really nice to automatically compile at least a subset of the regex syntax into the equivalent automaton, but this is left as an exercise for future me, maybe.

Day 4

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defun get-diagonals (lines &optional (len 4))
  "From bottom right to top left"
  (loop for i from (1- len) below (length lines)
        (loop for j from (1- len) below (length (nth i lines))
              (utils:string-join ""
                                 (loop for k from 0 to (1- len)
                                       collect (subseq (nth (- i k) lines) (- j k) (1+ (- j k))))))))

(defun get-squares (lines &optional (dim 3))
  (loop for i from 0 to (- (length lines) dim)
        (loop for j from 0 to (- (length (nth i lines)) dim)
              (utils:string-join (list #\Newline)
                                 (loop for k from 0 below dim collect (subseq (nth (+ k i) lines) j (+ j dim)))))))

(defun get-anti-diagonals (lines &optional (len 4))
  "From bottom left to top right."
  (loop for i from (1- len) below (length lines) collect
        (loop for j from 0 below (- (length (nth i lines)) (1- len))
              (utils:string-join ""
                                 (loop for k from 0 to (1- len)
                                       collect (subseq (nth (- i k) lines) (+ j k) (1+ (+ j k))))))))

(defun get-vertical (lines)
  (let ((vertical '()))
    (loop for line in lines do
          (loop for i from 0 below (length line) do
                 ((nth i vertical) (setf (nth i vertical) (concatenate 'string (nth i vertical) (subseq line i (1+ i)))))
                 (t (setf vertical (append vertical (list (subseq line i (1+ i)))))))))

(defun count-horizontal (lines word)
   (reduce #'+
           (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (count word (utils:regex-match-all word line) :test #'string=)) lines))
   (reduce #'+
           (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (count (reverse word) (utils:regex-match-all (reverse word) line) :test #'string=)) lines))))

(defun count-main-diagonals (lines word)
   (reduce #'+
           (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (count word line :test #'string=)) (get-diagonals lines (length word))))
   (reduce #'+
           (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (count (reverse word) line :test #'string=)) (get-diagonals lines (length word))))))

(defun count-anti-diagonals (lines word)
   (reduce #'+
           (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (count word line :test #'string=)) (get-anti-diagonals lines (length word))))
   (reduce #'+
           (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (count (reverse word) line :test #'string=)) (get-anti-diagonals lines (length word))))))

(defun count-vertical (lines word)
   (reduce #'+
           (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (count word (utils:regex-match-all word line) :test #'string=)) (get-vertical lines)))
   (reduce #'+
           (mapcar #'(lambda (line) (count (reverse word) (utils:regex-match-all (reverse word) line) :test #'string=)) (get-vertical lines)))))

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (let ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file)))
     ;; horizontal
     (count-horizontal lines "XMAS")
     ;; main diagonals
     (count-main-diagonals lines "XMAS")
     ;; anti-diagonals
     (count-anti-diagonals lines "XMAS")
     ;; vertical
     (count-vertical lines "XMAS")

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (let ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file)) (total 0))
    (loop for square in (get-squares lines (length "MAS"))
          (let* ((square-lines (uiop:split-string square :separator '(#\Newline)))
                 (partial (+ (count-main-diagonals square-lines "MAS")
                             (count-anti-diagonals square-lines "MAS"))))
            (if (= 2 partial) (incf total)))) ;; count one only if both diagonals match

Day 5

At start I tried to do something fancy by computing the topological order of the nodes in the dependency graph created with the ordering rules, but it ended up not working so I reverted to the simplest solution I could think of.

(defun parse-sequence (sequence)
  (mapcar #'parse-integer (uiop:split-string sequence :separator '(#\,))))

(defun check-ordering (rules sequence)
  (loop for i from 1 below (length sequence)
        do (if (some #'(lambda (elem) (find elem (gethash (nth i sequence) rules))) (subseq sequence 0 i))
               (return-from check-ordering nil)))

(defun parse-ordering-rules (rules)
  (let ((parsed (make-hash-table)))
    (loop for rule in rules
          do (let* ((pipe-pos (position "|" rule :test #'string=))
                    (left (parse-integer (subseq rule 0 pipe-pos)))
                    (right (parse-integer (subseq rule (1+ pipe-pos)))))
               (push right (gethash left parsed))))

(defun preprocess-file (file)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (empty-line-pos (position "" lines :test #'string=)))
    (list (subseq lines 0 empty-line-pos) (subseq lines (1+ empty-line-pos)))))

(defun compare (x y rules)
  "Returns non-NIL if x comes before y according to the rules."
  (find y (gethash x rules)))

(defun middle-element (sequence)
  (nth (floor (/ (length sequence) 2)) sequence))

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (destructuring-bind (raw-rules raw-sequences) (preprocess-file file)
                      (let ((rules (parse-ordering-rules raw-rules))
                            (sequences (mapcar #'parse-sequence raw-sequences)))
                        (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'middle-element
                                            (remove-if-not #'(lambda (sequence) (check-ordering rules sequence)) sequences))))))

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (destructuring-bind (raw-rules raw-sequences) (preprocess-file file)
                      (let* ((rules (parse-ordering-rules raw-rules))
                             (sequences (mapcar #'parse-sequence raw-sequences))
                             (not-ordered (remove-if #'(lambda (sequence) (check-ordering rules sequence)) sequences)))
                        (reduce #'+ (mapcar
                                      #'(lambda (sequence)
                                          (sort sequence #'(lambda (x y) (compare x y rules))))

Day 6

This solution is not only inefficient, but also wonky in my opinion. But hey! Still learning the language, so everything is accepted right? Right?

(defparameter *test*
......#..." :separator '(#\Newline)))

;; position can be 'up 'down 'left 'right
(defstruct game-map (grid nil) (guard-position nil) (guard-facing nil))

(defun parse-grid (rows) ;; assumed to be list of strings
  (let* ((nrows (length rows))
         (ncols (length (first rows)))
         (grid (make-array (list nrows ncols)))
         (guard-position '(0 0))
         (facing 'up))
    (loop for i from 0 below nrows
          do (loop for j from 0 below ncols
                   do (let ((current-char (schar (nth i rows) j)))
                        (setf (aref grid i j) current-char)
                         ((char= current-char #\^) (setf facing 'up) (setf guard-position (list i j)))
                         ((char= current-char #\v) (setf facing 'down) (setf guard-position (list i j)))
                         ((char= current-char #\>) (setf facing 'right) (setf guard-position (list i j)))
                         ((char= current-char #\<) (setf facing 'left) (setf guard-position (list i j)))
                         (t t)))))
    (make-game-map :grid grid :guard-position guard-position :guard-facing facing)))

(defun take-step (map current-position facing &optional (added-obstacle-position nil added-obstacle-p))
  (let* ((nrows (array-dimension (game-map-grid map) 0))
         (ncols (array-dimension (game-map-grid map) 1))
         (next-row 0)
         (next-col 0))
     ((eq facing 'up)
      (setf next-row (1- (first current-position)))
      (setf next-col (second current-position)))
     ((eq facing 'down)
      (setf next-row (1+ (first current-position)))
      (setf next-col (second current-position)))
     ((eq facing 'left)
      (setf next-row (first current-position))
      (setf next-col (1- (second current-position))))
     ((eq facing 'right)
      (setf next-row (first current-position))
      (setf next-col (1+ (second current-position)))))

    (when (or (>= next-row nrows) (< next-row 0) (>= next-col ncols) (< next-col 0))
      (return-from take-step nil))

    (if (or (and added-obstacle-p (equal added-obstacle-position (list next-row next-col)))
            (char= #\# (aref (game-map-grid map) next-row next-col)))
         ((eq facing 'down)
          (list 'left (list (1- next-row) (1- next-col))))
         ((eq facing 'up)
          (list 'right (list (1+ next-row) (1+ next-col))))
         ((eq facing 'left)
          (list 'up (list (1- next-row) (1+ next-col))))
         ((eq facing 'right)
          (list 'down (list (1+ next-row) (1- next-col)))))
      (list facing (list next-row next-col)))

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (let* ((map (parse-grid (uiop:read-file-lines file)))
         (position (copy-list (game-map-guard-position map)))
         (facing (game-map-guard-facing map))
         (counter 0)
         (visited (make-array (array-dimensions (game-map-grid map)) :initial-element nil)))
    (loop while position 
          do (unless (aref visited (first position) (second position)) (incf counter))
          (setf (aref visited (first position) (second position)) t)
          (let ((result (take-step map position facing)))
            (if result
                (destructuring-bind (new-facing new-position) result
                                    (setf position new-position)
                                    (setf facing new-facing))
              (setf position nil))))

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (let* ((map (parse-grid (uiop:read-file-lines file)))
         (position (copy-list (game-map-guard-position map)))
         (facing (game-map-guard-facing map))
         (obstacles 0)
         (nrows (array-dimension (game-map-grid map) 0))
         (ncols (array-dimension (game-map-grid map) 1))
         (loop-detected nil)
         (visited-facing (make-array (list nrows ncols) :initial-element nil)))
    (loop for i from 0 below nrows
          do (loop for j from 0 below ncols
                   do (loop initially (setf position (copy-list (game-map-guard-position map)))
                            (setf facing (game-map-guard-facing map))
                            (setf loop-detected nil)
                            (setf visited-facing (make-array (list nrows ncols) :initial-element nil))
                            while (and position (not loop-detected))
                            do (let ((result (take-step map position facing (list i j))))
                                 (if result
                                     (destructuring-bind (new-facing new-position) result
                                                         (when (and (aref visited-facing (first new-position) (second new-position))
                                                                    (equal new-facing (aref visited-facing (first new-position) (second new-position))))
                                                           (setf loop-detected t))
                                                         (setf (aref visited-facing (first position) (second position)) facing)
                                                         (setf position new-position)
                                                         (setf facing new-facing))
                                   (setf position nil)))
                            finally (when loop-detected
                                      (incf obstacles)))))

Day 7

Passing the possible operators as high-order functions and using a bit of recursion magic, day 7 is pretty straightforward. The solution for the second part is the same as the first, with the only difference that the new concatenate operator is also considered. Abstraction FTW!

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defstruct equation (result nil) (terms nil))

(defun possible-results (terms operators)
   ((= 1 (length terms)) terms)
   (t (loop for operator in operators
            nconc (let ((partial (funcall operator (first terms) (second terms))))
                    (possible-results (cons partial (cdr (cdr terms))) operators))))))

(defun equation-valid-p (equation operators)
  (some #'(lambda (possible) (= possible (equation-result equation))) (possible-results (equation-terms equation) operators)))

(defun parse-equation (line)
  (let* ((terms (utils:split-by-one-space line))
         (colon-pos (position #\: (car terms) :test #'char=)))
    (make-equation :result (parse-integer (subseq (car terms) 0 colon-pos))
                   :terms (mapcar #'parse-integer (cdr terms)))))

(defun concatenation (term1 term2)
  (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (princ-to-string term1) (princ-to-string term2))))

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (equations (mapcar #'parse-equation lines))
          (remove-if-not #'(lambda (equation) (equation-valid-p equation (list #'+ #'*))) equations)))
    (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (equation) (equation-result equation)) valid-equations))))

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (equations (mapcar #'parse-equation lines))
          (remove-if-not #'(lambda (equation) (equation-valid-p equation (list #'+ #'* #'concatenation))) equations)))
    (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (equation) (equation-result equation)) valid-equations))))

Day 8

I tried to make get-antinodes-positions and count-antinodes as most general as possible even if I know that just copy-pasting the functions and making small edits would've solved the problem anyway.

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defstruct grid (antennas nil) (nrows nil) (ncols nil))

(defun parse-grid (lines)
  (let ((frequencies (make-hash-table))
        (nrows (length lines))
        (ncols (length (first lines))))
    (loop for row from 0 below nrows
          nconc (loop for col from 0 below ncols
                      do (let ((current-char (char (nth row lines) col)))
                           (when (char-not-equal current-char #\.)
                             (push (list row col) (gethash current-char frequencies))))))
    (make-grid :antennas frequencies :nrows nrows :ncols ncols)))

(defun get-antinodes-positions (antenna-1 antenna-2 &key (delta-x 1) (delta-y 1) (min-antinode-offset 1) (max-antinode-offset 1))
  (destructuring-bind (a1 a2)
                      (if (utils:compare-lists antenna-1 antenna-2)
                          (list antenna-1 antenna-2)
                        (list antenna-2 antenna-1))
                      (let* ((a1-x (second a1)) (a1-y (first a1))
                             (a2-x (second a2)) (a2-y (first a2))
                             (delta-x (if (functionp delta-x)
                                          (funcall delta-x a1 a2)
                             (delta-y (if (functionp delta-y)
                                          (funcall delta-y a1 a2)
                        (loop for i from min-antinode-offset to max-antinode-offset
                              for computed-delta-x = (* i delta-x)
                              for computed-delta-y = (* i delta-y)
                              if (<= a1-x a2-x)
                              nconc (list (list (- a1-y computed-delta-y) (- a1-x computed-delta-x))
                                          (list (+ a2-y computed-delta-y) (+ a2-x computed-delta-x)))
                              nconc (list (list (- a1-y computed-delta-y) (+ a1-x computed-delta-x))
                                          (list (+ a2-y computed-delta-y) (- a2-x computed-delta-x)))))))

(defun out-of-bounds-p (position nrows ncols)
  (let ((col (second position))
        (row (first position)))
    (or (< col 0) (< row 0) (>= col ncols) (>= row nrows))))

(defun counted-p (position counted)
  (aref counted (first position) (second position)))

(defun set-counted (position counted)
  "Set the position as counted. Modifies counted (an array)."
  (setf (aref counted (first position) (second position)) t))

(defun count-antinodes (antennas nrows ncols counted &key (delta-x 1) (delta-y 1) (min-antinode-offset 1) (max-antinode-offset 1))
  "Given a list of antenna positions of a single frequency, generate the antinodes"
  (let ((counter 0))
     ((= 1 (length antennas)) 0)
     (t (loop for antenna in (cdr antennas)
              do (loop for antinode-pos in (get-antinodes-positions
                                            (car antennas)
                                            :delta-x delta-x
                                            :delta-y delta-y
                                            :min-antinode-offset min-antinode-offset
                                            :max-antinode-offset max-antinode-offset)
                       when (and
                             (not (out-of-bounds antinode-pos nrows ncols))
                             (not (counted-p antinode-pos counted)))
                       do ; (format t "~a~%" antinode-pos)
                       (incf counter)
                       (set-counted antinode-pos counted)))
        (incf counter (count-antinodes
                       (cdr antennas)
                       :delta-x delta-x
                       :delta-y delta-y
                       :min-antinode-offset min-antinode-offset
                       :max-antinode-offset max-antinode-offset))))

(defun print-counted (counted)
  (loop for i from 0 below (array-dimension counted 1)
        do (when (> i 0) (format t "~%"))
        (loop for j from 0 below (array-dimension counted 0)
              do (if (aref counted i j)
                     (format t "#")
                   (format t ".")))))

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (grid (parse-grid lines))
         (nrows (grid-nrows grid))
         (ncols (grid-ncols grid))
         (counted (make-array (list nrows ncols) :initial-element nil)))
    (loop for antennas being the hash-value of (grid-antennas grid)
          sum (count-antinodes antennas nrows ncols counted
                               :delta-x #'(lambda (pos1 pos2) (abs (- (second pos1) (second pos2))))
                               :delta-y #'(lambda (pos1 pos2) (abs (- (first pos1) (first pos2))))
                               :min-antinode-offset 1
                               :max-antinode-offset 1))))

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (grid (parse-grid lines))
         (nrows (grid-nrows grid))
         (ncols (grid-ncols grid))
         (counted (make-array (list nrows ncols) :initial-element nil)))
    (loop for antennas being the hash-value of (grid-antennas grid)
          sum (count-antinodes antennas nrows ncols counted
                               :delta-x #'(lambda (pos1 pos2) (abs (- (second pos1) (second pos2))))
                               :delta-y #'(lambda (pos1 pos2) (abs (- (first pos1) (first pos2))))
                               :min-antinode-offset 0
                               :max-antinode-offset nrows))))

Day 9

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defun parse-disk-map (line)
  (let ((id 0)
        (parsed nil))
    (loop for char across line
          for num = (digit-char-p char)
          for pos from 0 below (length line)
          if (oddp pos)
            do (loop for j from 1 to num do (push 'dot parsed))
            do (loop for j from 1 to num do (push id parsed))
               (incf id))
    (reverse parsed)))

(defun get-empty-space-positions (disk-map)
  (loop with in-empty-space = nil
        with start-pos = 0
        with end-pos = 0
        for file in disk-map
        for pos from 0 below (length disk-map)
        when (and (not in-empty-space) (eq file 'dot))
          do (setf in-empty-space t)
             (setf start-pos pos)
        when (and in-empty-space (not (eq file 'dot)))
          do (setf in-empty-space nil)
             (setf end-pos pos)
          and collect (list start-pos end-pos)))

(defun get-file-positions (disk-map)
  (loop with file-positions = (make-hash-table)
        with file-id = 0
        with start-pos = 0
        with end-pos = 0
        with in-empty-space = nil
        for file in disk-map
        for pos from 0 below (length disk-map)
        when (and (not (eq file 'dot)) in-empty-space (/= file file-id))
          do (setf file-id file)
             (setf start-pos pos)
             (setf in-empty-space nil)
        when (and (not (eq file 'dot)) in-empty-space (/= file file-id))
          do (setf file-id file)
             (setf start-pos pos)
             (setf in-empty-space nil)
        when (and (not (eq file 'dot)) (not in-empty-space) (/= file file-id))
          do (setf end-pos pos)
             (setf (gethash file-id file-positions) (list start-pos end-pos))
             (setf file-id file)
             (setf start-pos pos)
        when (and (not in-empty-space) (eq file 'dot))
          do (setf in-empty-space t)
             (setf end-pos pos)
             (setf (gethash file-id file-positions) (list start-pos end-pos))
        finally (setf (gethash file-id file-positions) (list start-pos (1+ pos)))
                (return file-positions)))

(defun move-file-block (disk-map last-empty-pos)
  (when disk-map
    (let* ((dot-pos (position 'dot (subseq disk-map last-empty-pos)))
           (empty-pos (when dot-pos (+ last-empty-pos dot-pos))))
        ((and empty-pos (= empty-pos (1- (length disk-map))))
         (list (butlast disk-map) empty-pos nil))
         (list (append
                (subseq disk-map 0 empty-pos)
                (last disk-map)
                (butlast (subseq disk-map (1+ empty-pos))))
        (t (list disk-map empty-pos t))))))

(defun move-file-blocks (disk-map)
  (loop with last-disk-map = (copy-list disk-map)
        with fixpoint = nil
        with last-empty-pos = 0
        while (not fixpoint)
        do (destructuring-bind
               (new-disk-map empty-pos fixpoint-p)
               (move-file-block last-disk-map last-empty-pos)
             (setf last-empty-pos empty-pos)
             (setf fixpoint fixpoint-p)
             (setf last-disk-map new-disk-map))
        finally (return last-disk-map)))

(defun empty-intervals-before (position empty-intervals)
  (remove-if #'(lambda (pos) (>= (first pos) (second position))) empty-intervals))

(defun find-fitting-position (file-position empty-intervals)
  (position-if #'(lambda (pos) (>= (- (second pos) (first pos)) (- (second file-position) (first file-position)))) empty-intervals))

(defun move-exact-file-blocks (file-intervals empty-intervals)
  (let ((file-ids (sort (loop for k being the hash-key of file-intervals collect k) #'>))
        (remaining-empty-intervals (copy-list empty-intervals))
        (new-file-intervals (make-hash-table)))
    (loop for id in file-ids
          for file-interval = (gethash id file-intervals)
          for fit = (find-fitting-position
                     (empty-intervals-before file-interval remaining-empty-intervals))
          if fit
            do (let* ((fitting-interval (nth fit remaining-empty-intervals))
                      (filled-from (first fitting-interval))
                      (filled-to (+ filled-from (- (second file-interval) (first file-interval))))
                      (filled-interval (list filled-from filled-to))
                      (leftover-interval (list filled-to (second fitting-interval))))
                 (setf (gethash id new-file-intervals) filled-interval)
                 (if (equal leftover-interval fitting-interval)
                     ;; if the fitting interval is filled, remove it from the empty intervals list
                     (setf remaining-empty-intervals (remove (nth fit remaining-empty-intervals) remaining-empty-intervals))
                     ;; otherwise replace the empty interva with the leftover interval after moving the file block
                     (setf remaining-empty-intervals
                           (replace remaining-empty-intervals (list leftover-interval)
                                    :start1 fit 
                                    :end1 (1+ fit)))))
            do (setf (gethash id new-file-intervals) (gethash id file-intervals)))

(defun hash-map-to-alist (hash-map)
  (loop for key being the hash-key of hash-map
          using (hash-value value)
        collect (cons key (list value))))

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (let* ((line (uiop:read-file-line file))
         (disk-map (parse-disk-map line))
         (moved-disk-map (move-file-blocks disk-map)))
    (loop for position from 0 below (length moved-disk-map)
          for file-id in moved-disk-map
          sum (* position file-id))))

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (let* ((disk-map (parse-disk-map (uiop:read-file-line file)))
         (empty-spaces (get-empty-space-positions disk-map))
         (file-positions (get-file-positions disk-map))
         (moved-file-positions (move-exact-file-blocks file-positions empty-spaces))
         (sorted (sort (hash-map-to-alist moved-file-positions) #'< :key #'(lambda (id-pos) (caadr id-pos)))))
    (loop for file in sorted
          for start = (caadr file) ; I felt fancy, just to take the first element of the second element
          for end = (1- (cadadr file)) ; I felt even fancier
          for pos-sum = (* (/ (+ start end) 2) (+ (- end start) 1))
          sum (* (car file) pos-sum))))

Day 10

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defclass graph ()
  ((nodes :documentation "List of node labels. The node id is the position of the node in the list."
          :accessor nodes
          :initarg :nodes)
   (edges :documentation "Hash map of the edges. The keys are the node
   ids and the edges are pairs (q c) where q is the id of a node and c
   is the cost of the edge"
          :accessor edges
          :initarg :edges
          :initform (make-hash-table))))

(defmethod neighbors ((graph graph) node)
  (gethash node (edges graph)))

(defmethod add-neighbor ((graph graph) node neighbor cost)
  (push (list neighbor cost) (gethash node (edges graph))))

(defun dfs-search (graph node visited &optional (feasible #'identity) (paths nil))
  (let ((reachable
           #'(lambda (neighbor-cost)
               (let ((neighbor (first neighbor-cost)))
                 (when (and paths (funcall feasible neighbor-cost) (gethash neighbor visited))
                   (incf (gethash neighbor paths))
                   (dfs-search graph neighbor visited feasible paths))
                 (when (and (funcall feasible neighbor-cost) (not (gethash neighbor visited)))
                   (setf (gethash neighbor visited) t)
                      (setf (gethash neighbor paths) (gethash node paths))
                      (dfs-search graph neighbor visited feasible paths))
                     (t (dfs-search graph neighbor visited feasible))))))
           (neighbors graph node))))
    (values (cons node reachable) paths)))

(defgeneric reachable-from (graph node &optional count-all-paths)
  (:documentation "Reachability."))

(defmethod reachable-from ((graph graph) node &optional (count-all-paths nil))
  (if count-all-paths
      (let ((paths (make-hash-table)))
        (setf (gethash node paths) 1)
        (dfs-search graph
                    #'(lambda (neighbor-cost) (eq 1 (second neighbor-cost)))
      (dfs-search graph
                  #'(lambda (neighbor-cost) (eq 1 (second neighbor-cost))))))

(defmethod nodes-with-label ((graph graph) label)
  (loop for node in (nodes graph)
        for idx from 0 below (length (nodes graph))
        when (eq node label) collect idx))

(defun parse-lines (lines)
  (loop for line in lines
        collect (loop for char across line collect (digit-char-p char))))

(defun edge-cost (lines row col direction)
    ((eq direction 'top)
     (- (nth col (nth (1- row) lines)) (nth col (nth row lines))))
    ((eq direction 'bottom)
     (- (nth col (nth (1+ row) lines)) (nth col (nth row lines))))
    ((eq direction 'right)
     (- (nth (1+ col) (nth row lines)) (nth col (nth row lines))))
    ((eq direction 'left)
     (- (nth (1- col) (nth row lines)) (nth col (nth row lines))))
    (t (error "direction should be one of 'top 'bottom 'right 'left."))))

(defun parse-graph (lines)
  (let ((graph (make-instance 'graph :nodes nil))
        (nrows (length lines))
        (ncols (length (first lines))))
    (loop for row from 0 below nrows
          do (loop for col from 0 below ncols
                   for current = (+ (* row ncols) col)
                   for top = (+ (* (1- row) ncols) col)
                   for left = (+ (* row ncols) (1- col))
                   for right = (+ (* row ncols) (1+ col))
                   for bottom = (+ (* (1+ row) ncols) col)
                   do (setf (nodes graph) (append (nodes graph) (list (nth col (nth row lines))))) 
                   when (>= (1- row) 0)
                     do (add-neighbor graph current top (edge-cost lines row col 'top))
                   when (< (1+ row) nrows)
                     do (add-neighbor graph current bottom (edge-cost lines row col 'bottom))
                   when (>= (1- col) 0)
                     do (add-neighbor graph current left (edge-cost lines row col 'left))
                   when (< (1+ col) ncols)
                     do (add-neighbor graph current right (edge-cost lines row col 'right))))

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (let* ((lines (parse-lines (uiop:read-file-lines file)))
         (graph (parse-graph lines)))
    (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (list) (count 9 list))
                        (loop for node in (nodes-with-label graph 0)
                              collect (mapcar
                                       #'(lambda (node-idx) (nth node-idx (nodes graph)))
                                       (reachable-from graph node)))))))

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (let* ((lines (parse-lines (uiop:read-file-lines file)))
         (graph (parse-graph lines)))
    (reduce #'+
            (loop for node in (nodes-with-label graph 0)
                  nconc (multiple-value-bind
                              (reachable paths) (reachable-from graph node t)
                          (loop for node-idx in reachable
                                when (eq 9 (nth node-idx (nodes graph)))
                                  collect (gethash node-idx paths)))))))

Day 11

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defun parse-numbers (numbers)
  (mapcar #'parse-integer (utils:split-by-one-space numbers)))

(defun apply-rule (number)
  (let* ((number-string (princ-to-string number))
         (num-of-digits (length number-string)))
    ((= number 0) (list 1))
    ((evenp num-of-digits)
     (list (parse-integer (subseq number-string 0 (/ num-of-digits 2)))
           (parse-integer (subseq number-string (/ num-of-digits 2)))))
    (t (list (* 2024 number))))))

(defun apply-rule-to-list-aux (number-list times)
  (if (= 0 times)
      (length number-list)
      (apply-rule-to-list (mapcan #'apply-rule number-list) (1- times))))

(utils:apply-memoization 'apply-rule-to-list-aux)

(defun apply-rule-to-list (number-list &optional (times 1))
  (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (num) (apply-rule-to-list-aux (list num) times)) number-list)))

(utils:apply-memoization 'apply-rule-to-list)

(defun solve-1 (file)
  (let* ((line (uiop:read-file-line file))
         (number-list (parse-numbers line)))
    (apply-rule-to-list number-list 25)))

(defun solve-2 (file)
  (let* ((line (uiop:read-file-line file))
         (number-list (parse-numbers line)))
    (apply-rule-to-list number-list 75)))

Day 12

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defclass edge ()
  ((from :accessor from
         :initarg :from)
   (to :accessor to
       :initarg :to)
   (cost :accessor cost
         :initarg :cost
         :initform 0)
   (label :accessor label
          :initarg :label
          :initform nil)))

(defclass graph ()
  ((nodes :documentation "List of node labels. The node id is the position of the node in the list."
          :accessor nodes
          :initarg :nodes)
   (edges :documentation "Hash map of the edges. The keys are the node
   ids and the edges are pairs (q c) where q is the id of a node and c
   is the cost of the edge"
          :accessor edges
          :initarg :edges
          :initform (make-hash-table))))

(defgeneric neighbors (graph node)
  (:documentation "Returns the neighbors of node in graph."))

(defmethod neighbors ((graph graph) node)
  (gethash node (edges graph)))

(defgeneric add-neighbor (graph node neighbor &key cost label)
  (:documentation "Adds an edge in graph from node to neighbor."))

(defmethod add-neighbor ((graph graph) node neighbor &key (cost 0) (label nil))
  (push (make-instance 'edge :from node :to neighbor :cost cost :label label) (gethash node (edges graph))))

(defgeneric nodes-with-label (graph label)
  (:documentation "Returns all the node ids of the nodes that have the iven lavel"))

(defun transform-point (point)
  (destructuring-bind (row col) point
    (list (list row col)
          (list row (1+ col))
          (list (1+ row) col)
          (list (1+ row) (1+ col)))))

(defun parse-graph (lines)
  "Parses a text matrix and builds a graph where two nodes are connected by an edge only if they have the same label."
  (let ((graph (make-instance 'graph :nodes nil))
        (nrows (length lines))
        (ncols (length (first lines))))
    (loop for row from 0 below nrows
          do (loop for col from 0 below ncols
                   for current = (+ (* row ncols) col)
                   for top = (+ (* (1- row) ncols) col)
                   for left = (+ (* row ncols) (1- col))
                   for right = (+ (* row ncols) (1+ col))
                   for bottom = (+ (* (1+ row) ncols) col)
                   do (push (list (elt (elt lines row) col) (transform-point (list row col))) (nodes graph))
                      ;; add an edge only if the labels are equal
                   when (and (>= (1- row) 0 ) (equal (elt (elt lines row) col) (elt (elt lines (1- row)) col)))
                     do (add-neighbor graph current top :label 'top)
                   when (and (< (1+ row) nrows) (equal (elt (elt lines row) col) (elt (elt lines (1+ row)) col)))
                     do (add-neighbor graph current bottom :label 'bottom)
                   when (and (>= (1- col) 0) (equal (elt (elt lines row) col) (elt (elt lines row) (1- col))))
                     do (add-neighbor graph current left :label 'left)
                   when (and (< (1+ col) ncols) (equal (elt (elt lines row) col) (elt (elt lines row) (1+ col))))
                     do (add-neighbor graph current right :label 'right)))
    (setf (nodes graph) (reverse (nodes graph)))

(defun dfs-search (graph node visited &optional (feasible #'identity))
  (setf (gethash node visited) t)
  (let ((reachable
           #'(lambda (edge)
               (let ((neighbor (to edge)))
                 (when (and (funcall feasible neighbor) (not (gethash neighbor visited)))
                   (setf (gethash neighbor visited) t)
                   (dfs-search graph neighbor visited feasible))))
           (neighbors graph node))))
    (values (cons node reachable))))

(defgeneric reachable-from (graph node)
  (:documentation "Reachability."))

(defmethod reachable-from ((graph graph) node)
  (dfs-search graph node (make-hash-table)))

(defun compute-price-perimeter (graph node-cluster)
  (* (length node-cluster) ; area
     (reduce #'+ ; perimeter, which is the sum of 4 - number of neighbors of node, over all nodes in the cluster
             (mapcar #'(lambda (node-idx) (- 4 (length (neighbors graph node-idx)))) node-cluster))))

(defstruct segment start end mergeable)

(defun get-node-segments (graph node-id)
  (utils:let+ (((_ points) (elt (nodes graph) node-id))
               (segments nil)
               (neighbors (neighbors graph node-id))
               ((top-left top-right bot-left bot-right) points)
               (label-equal #'(lambda (dir edge) (equal dir (label edge))))
               (mergeable (mapcar #'label neighbors)))
    (unless (find 'top neighbors :test label-equal)
      (push (make-segment :start top-left
                          :end top-right
                          :mergeable (remove-if-not #'(lambda (dir) (or (equal dir 'left) (equal dir 'right))) mergeable))
    (unless (find 'bottom neighbors :test label-equal)
      (push (make-segment :start bot-left
                          :end bot-right
                          :mergeable (remove-if-not #'(lambda (dir) (or (equal dir 'left) (equal dir 'right))) mergeable))
    (unless (find 'right neighbors :test label-equal)
      (push (make-segment :start top-right
                          :end bot-right
                          :mergeable (remove-if-not #'(lambda (dir) (or (equal dir 'top) (equal dir 'bottom))) mergeable))
    (unless (find 'left neighbors :test label-equal)
      (push (make-segment :start top-left
                          :end bot-left
                          :mergeable (remove-if-not #'(lambda (dir) (or (equal dir 'top) (equal dir 'bottom))) mergeable))

(defun merge-segments (segment-a segment-b)
    ((eq nil segment-a) segment-b)
    ((eq nil segment-b) segment-a)
    (t (let ((a-start (segment-start segment-a))
             (a-end (segment-end segment-a))
             (b-start (segment-start segment-b))
             (b-end (segment-end segment-b)))
         (if (not (equal a-end b-start))
             (error "End of segment-a doesn't match with start of segment-b.")
             (make-segment :start a-start
                           :end b-end
                           :mergeable (intersection (segment-mergeable segment-a) (segment-mergeable segment-b))))))))

(defun segment-compatible-p (new-segment segment)
  (if segment
       ;; segment ends where new-segment starts
       (equal (segment-start new-segment) (segment-end segment))
        ;; new-segment is exactly on the x axis w.r.t. segment
        (and (equal (car (segment-start segment)) (car (segment-end segment)))
             (equal (car (segment-end segment)) (car (segment-start new-segment)))
             (equal (car (segment-start new-segment)) (car (segment-end new-segment)))
             (find 'right (segment-mergeable segment)))
        ;; new-segment is exactly on the y axis w.r.t. segment
        (and (equal (cdr (segment-start segment)) (cdr (segment-end segment)))
             (equal (cdr (segment-end segment)) (cdr (segment-start new-segment)))
             (equal (cdr (segment-start new-segment)) (cdr (segment-end new-segment)))
             (find 'bottom (segment-mergeable segment)))))

(defun merge-segment-in-list (segment-list new-segment)
  (let* ((segment-compatible-p #'(lambda (segment) (segment-compatible-p new-segment segment)))
         (to-merge-pos (position-if segment-compatible-p segment-list)))
    (if to-merge-pos
        (values (append (subseq segment-list 0 to-merge-pos)
                        (list (merge-segments (elt segment-list to-merge-pos) new-segment))
                        (subseq segment-list (1+ to-merge-pos)))
        (values (cons new-segment segment-list) nil))))

(defun print-node-cluster (graph nrows ncols node-cluster)
  (let ((grid (make-array (list nrows ncols) :initial-element nil)))
    (dolist (node node-cluster)
      (utils:let+ (((char points) (elt (nodes graph) node))
                   ((row col) (first points)))
        (setf (aref grid row col) char)))
    (loop for row from 0 below nrows
          do (format t "~&")
             (loop for col from 0 below ncols
                   for cell = (aref grid row col)
                   if cell
                     do (format t "~a" cell)
                     do (format t ".")))
    (format t "~2%")))

(defun compute-price-sides (graph node-cluster)
  ;; (print-node-cluster graph (isqrt (length (nodes graph))) (isqrt (length (nodes graph))) node-cluster)
  (let* ((compare-segments #'(lambda (segment-a segment-b)
                               (if (equal (segment-start segment-a) (segment-start segment-b))
                                   (utils:compare-lists (segment-end segment-a) (segment-end segment-b))
                                   (utils:compare-lists (segment-start segment-a) (segment-start segment-b)))))
         (segments-not-merged (sort (mapcan #'(lambda (node-id) (get-node-segments graph node-id)) node-cluster) compare-segments))
         (segments (reduce #'merge-segment-in-list segments-not-merged :initial-value nil)))
    (* (length node-cluster) ; area
       (length segments))))

(defun solve (file problem-step)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (graph (parse-graph lines))
         (not-visited (loop for node-idx from 0 below (length (nodes graph)) collect node-idx))
           (if (= problem-step 1)
    (loop while not-visited 
          ;; find the nodes in the same cluster
          for newly-visited = (reachable-from graph (pop not-visited))
          ;; remove those from the not-visited list
          do (mapcar #'(lambda (node-idx) (setf not-visited (remove node-idx not-visited))) newly-visited)
          sum (funcall compute-price graph newly-visited))))

Day 13

The problem consists of a function optimization under some numerical constraints. In particular, the number of tokens is defined by \(3A + B\) where \(A\) and \(B\) represent the number of times that button A or B are pressed. A well-known optimization method is given by the Lagrange Multipliers, which can be used to efficiently solve the problem. Since all the equations in the problem input are linear, it suffices to solve the system of equations given by:

\begin{cases} ax A + bx B = px \\ ay A + by B = py \end{cases}

Where \(ax, ay, bx, by, px, py\) represent respectively the increment in X, Y given by buttons A and B, and the prize position. By rewriting the equations using the substitution method it's easy to get a closed formula that gives both \(A\) and \(B\):

\begin{cases} A = \frac{px - bx B}{ax} \\ B = \frac{py \cdot ax - ay \cdot px}{ax \cdot by - ay \cdot bx} \end{cases}

P.S. The homemade regex engine from day 3 strikes again!

(load "../utils.lisp")

(defparameter *number-automaton*
  (utils:make-automaton :init 1 :end 2
                        :delta '((1 - number -> 2)
                                 (2 - number -> 2))))

(defun parse (lines)
  (let ((machines (utils:split lines :delimiter "")))
    (loop for machine-data in machines
          collect (loop for string in machine-data
                        nconc (mapcar #'parse-integer
                                         (list *number-automaton*)

(defun solve-equations (ax ay bx by px py)
  (let* ((b (/ (- (* py ax) (* ay px))
               (- (* ax by) (* ay bx))))
         (a (/ (- px (* bx b))
    (values a b)))

(defun solve (file step)
  (let* ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines file))
         (machine-params (parse lines)))
    (loop with coins = 0
          for (ax ay bx by px py) in machine-params
          for (a b) = (multiple-value-list
                       (solve-equations ax ay bx by
                                        (if (= step 2) (+ 10000000000000 px) px)
                                        (if (= step 2) (+ 10000000000000 py) py)))
          when (and (integerp a) (integerp b))
            do (incf coins (+ (* 3 a) b))
          finally (return coins))))


(defpackage :utils
  (:use :cl)

(in-package :utils)

(defun string-join (fill-in strings)
  (let ((joined (first strings)))
    (dolist (s (rest strings))
      (setf joined (concatenate 'string joined fill-in s)))

;; from
(defun split-by-one-space (string)
  (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
        as j = (position #\Space string :start i)
        collect (subseq string i j)
        while j))

(defstruct automaton (init nil) (end nil) (delta '()))

(defun rule-with-input (rules input)
  "returns the single rule that have input on the arrow"
  (let ((rule-list (remove-if-not #'(lambda (rule) (string= (third rule) input)) rules)))
    (if rule-list (first rule-list) nil)))

(defun rule-with-number (rules)
  "returns the single rule that have -number->"
  (let ((rule-list (remove-if-not #'(lambda (rule) (eql (third rule) 'number)) rules)))
    (if rule-list (first rule-list) nil)))

(defun rules-with-state (rules state)
  "returns list of rules for state"
    (remove-if-not #'(lambda (rule) (eql (first rule) state)) rules))

(defun target-state (rule)
  (fifth rule))

(defun apply-delta-char (delta state input)
  "Apply delta on a single char string."
  (let ((to-apply (rule-with-input (rules-with-state delta state) input)))
      ((equal delta nil) nil)
       (target-state to-apply))
      ((and (position input "0123456789" :test #'string=) (rule-with-number (rules-with-state delta state)))
       (target-state (rule-with-number (rules-with-state delta state))))
      (t nil))))

(defun apply-delta-string-aux (delta state input end-state position)
  "Apply delta on a string"
  (cond ((equal state end-state) (list t position))
        ((equal state nil) (list nil (if (> position 1) (1- position) position)))
        (t (apply-delta-string-aux delta (apply-delta-char delta state (subseq input 0 1)) (subseq input 1) end-state (1+ position)))))

(defun apply-delta-string (delta state input end-state)
  (apply-delta-string-aux delta state (concatenate 'string input (princ-to-string (code-char 1))) end-state 0))

(defun apply-on-automaton (automaton input)
  "Run the automaton on the input string and return the list of matches"
  (let ((i 0) (matches '()))
    (loop while (< i (length input))
             ;; (format t "~a~%" (subseq input i))
             (destructuring-bind (result char-read)
                  (automaton-delta automaton)
                  (automaton-init automaton)
                  (subseq input i)
                  (automaton-end automaton))
               ;; (format t "char read: ~a~%" char-read)
                   (setq matches (append matches (list (subseq input i (+ i char-read)))))
                   (incf i char-read))
                 (t (incf i char-read)))))

(defun check-multiple-automaton (automaton-list input)
  (let ((max 0))
    (loop for automaton in automaton-list do
      (let ((possible-match
               (automaton-delta automaton)
               (automaton-init automaton)
               (automaton-end automaton))))
          ((first possible-match) (return-from check-multiple-automaton possible-match))
          (t (if (> (second possible-match) max) (setq max (second possible-match)))))
    (list nil max)))

(defun apply-on-automaton-list (automaton-list input)
  "Run the automaton on the input string and return the list of matches"
  (let ((i 0) (matches '()))
    (loop while (< i (length input))
                 (result char-read)
                 (check-multiple-automaton automaton-list (subseq input i))
                  (setq matches (append matches (list (subseq input i (+ i char-read)))))
                  (incf i char-read))
                 (t (incf i char-read)))))

(defun compile-regex (regex)
  (let ((delta
          (loop for index from 0
                for char across regex
                collect (list index '- char '-> (1+ index)))))
    (make-automaton :init 0 :end (length regex) :delta delta)))

(defun regex-match-all (regex input)
  (apply-on-automaton (compile-regex regex) input))

;;; (let+ ((a 1)
;;;        ((b c) (list 1 2))))
;;; should expand into
;;; (let ((a 1))
;;;   (destructuring-bind (b c) (list 1 2)))

(defmacro let+ (bindings &body body)
  "Allows to implicitly mix let and destructuring-bind inside a single let+ call.
For normal let the syntax stays the same, while for a destructuring-bind the syntax is
(let+ (((a b) '(1 2)))) which is like (destructuring-bind (a b) '(1 2))."
  (let ((stack nil)
        (compiled nil))
    (loop for binding in bindings
          if (listp (car binding)) ; multiple symbols to bind
            do (push `(destructuring-bind ,@binding) stack)
          else ; normal let
            do (push `(let ,(list binding)) stack))
    ;; last binding gets the actual body
    (setf compiled (append (pop stack) body))
    (loop while stack ; build the nested expression by unwinding the stack
          do (setf compiled (append (pop stack) (list compiled))))

(defun compare-lists (list1 list2 &optional (pred #'<))
  "Execute pred on each pair of elements of list1 and list2 and return non-NIL if is to precede list2."
  (loop for x in list1 for y in list2 when (not (equal x y)) return (funcall pred x y)))

(defun string* (string times)
  (let ((product ""))
    (dotimes (i times product)
      (setf product (concatenate 'string product string)))))

(defun memoize (fn)
  (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
        #'(lambda (&rest args)
                  (result in-cache)
                (gethash args cache)
                (if in-cache
                    (setf (gethash args cache)
                          (apply fn args)))))))

(defun apply-memoization (fname)
  (setf (fdefinition fname) (memoize (symbol-function fname))))