Buongiorno, sono Gianluca Zavan
And this is the laziest web page ever (with the flashiest font I found).
I'm a Master's student in Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity at the University of Udine (Italy) and Klagenfurt (Austria). I'm a member of MadrHacks, the ethical hacking team of the University of Udine, one of the top teams in Italy on CTFtime.
I plan to graduate in April 2025, with a thesis titled "Automated planning for production routines", written at Infineon Villach.
Even if changing constantly, my main interests are (not in order):
- Artificial Intelligence, both symbolic and sub-symbolic
- Software security
- Programming (currently learning Common Lisp)
- Beatboxing
- Videogames
- Tabletop games
- Reading all kinds of stuff
- Music with lots of synths and robot voices (Daft Punk I'm looking at you)
- Learning new stuff
- Exiting (Neo)Vim
- Linux, I use Arch btw
You can find me on Github and
Linkedin. If
needed, you can send me an email at zavan.gianluca[at]outlook.com
Things worth a look
- Advent of code 2024: my solutions in CL to some of the problems of AOC 2024
- Common Lisp resources
- "The
Most Beautiful Program Ever Written" by William Byrd
- To dive deeper, check miniKanren
- https://thesephist.com/: a nice blog